The digital guide for achieving a predictable result in complex rehabilitation
Dimitar Filtchev – Professor, Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, Sofia Bulgaria
The course will go trough a different treatment planning protocol-a new way of digital planning and incorporating a psychology based teeth design. A full digital protocol will be presented for complex treatment planning.
Based on the planning, there are different treatment options, including perio, ortho, implant and prosthetic treatment.
How predictable the different protocols are, what are the positives and negatives of the digital planning, based on our clinical experience. Can we trust 100% the contemporary digital imaging systems, optical scanners? Can we use the orthodontic approach to solve our perio, implant and esthetic cases?
The course will try to answer on some of this questions and show how the digital tools changed our thinking in the recent years.
The practical session will focus on scanning protocols for teeth and implants, creating a personalized smile design and surgical guide for the implant placement.

Learning objectives:
The participants will learn how to use the advantages of the optical scanners and incorporate them in the whole process of planning, communication and creation of the perfect prosthetic restoration.
They will understand how the digital tools today change the clinical steps and predictability of the whole process.
Dr. Dimitar Filtchev obtained his degree in Dental Medicine from the Faculty of Dental Medicine in Sofia, in 1998. In 2000 he was appointed Assistant Professor at the Department of Prosthetic Dentistry at the same Faculty and in 2013 he presented his thesis an got a PhD degree. From 2022 is elected as a Professor at the same department. He acquired a postgraduate specialization in Prosthetic Dentistry and in Implant Dentistry.
From 2007-2015 is a President of the Sofia Dental Meeting Association.
Co-founder of the Implant Center for Continuous education at the Medical University in Sofia.
Head of the Digital Center at the Faculty of Dentistry,Sofia, Bulgaria
Specialization in Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry – Munster, Germany. Participated at trainings in Prosthodontics with N.Bichacho, M.Fradeani, in Implantology-H.Salama, in Perio- A.Saadoun, M.Hurzeller, G.Zucchelli.
Honorary Member of Style Italiano Group , the Bulgarian Society of Esthetic Dentistry, Bulgarian Scientific Dental Association, Member of the Trabecular Metal Speakers Board, Affiliate of the EAED, Instructor at the Zimmer Institute.
Since 1998 he has been running a successful private practice in Sofia, focused on Implantology , Esthetic Dentistry and Orthodontics.
Dr. Filtchev has more then 80 publications in scientific journals, many scientific presentations, numerous participations as an keynote speaker at national and international congresses.
Raluca Vasiliu: +40 757 577 803
No. of participants:
Registration fee:
Joi 24.11.2022 : 14.00-18.00