The limits and benefits of digital implantology

Contemporary oral implantology is still concerned of the long-term success and functionality of dental implants, but has been lately emphasizing the aesthetic results that implant-supported restorations can bring to the patient. There are some key-factors regarding the decision-making in oral implantology, some of them being: treatment planning is the most important step and is also strong connected to the general and oral status of the patient; the patient needs to be informed of all the steps that are part of the treatment plan in its entirety. 

Therefore, choosing the right treatment plan represents the key to success in oral implantology. Research in the field have expanded because of the rise in demand of this treatment solution, but mostly because of the high demand of dental services with aesthetic requirements among people. Having said that, it is noted that in the last fifty years, 14.335 of articles have been published on the matter.

The longevity not only of the implant, but also of the prosthetic restoration depends on the stability of the “peri-implant ligament”, as well as on choosing the right implant and abutment. Stating this well documented truth, classic implantology has many clinical steps that brings prejudice to the ligament through the many mountings and removals of prosthetic components mainly in the impression steps. This prejudice determines loss of security of the implant and later imminent periimplantitis. That being said, I agree on the violation of the gingiva and ligament surrounding the implant, this concurring with the inception of periimplantitis having a major effect on the longevity of the implant.

Digitalization in dentistry is searching for solutions of this problem, while answering other problems that classic dentistry still has to this day. Some advantages of digitalization in oral implantology are: minimally-invasive surgery, one step surgery and same-day loading on the provisional restorations, reducing the surgery time and treatment-planning, increasing treatment safety, increase in the quality of the medical therapy and the prosthetic restorations, increase in patient comfort, fully-integrated patient in the society right after the surgery. 

“One-day implant” represents the answer to most of the problems in oral implantology, conceived to solve the needs of the patient as well as the dental practitioner. It combines new technology like custom milled CAD/CAM abutments, intra-oral scanning with immediate loading provisional restorations.


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